Scene 5-10 Shipwreck ~難破船~
Joan has been thinking about the situation with her and her husband. She is feeling kind of silly about the whole thing. She goes to Sam's cabin to talk, but he is not very responsive.
Joan: (knocking at the door) Sam…Sam!
Sam: What? My head is killing me.
Joan: I brought your hat back.
Sam: Really. I thought you would’ve thrown it into the sea.
Joan: Believe me, I thought about it. But I didn’t want to listen to you complain about the stupid thing.
Sam: Thanks anyway.
Joan: You know, Sam, I’ve been thinking, we’re acting like children. There’s no reason why we can’t just get along as friends. I mean, we’ve both had our digs at each other, and maybe it’s time we let bygones be bygones. There’s a formal dinner tonight followed by a dance. I thought we might go together, as friends.
Sam: What happened to your dance partner from last night? Is his dance card full?
Joan: Well, obviously you’re not mature enough to handle this. I’m sorry I came by and asked. Good-bye, Samuel.
Words & Phrases
Joan: (ドアをノックしながら)サム…サム!
Sam: 何?頭が痛くて死にそうなんだ。
Joan: 帽子を返しにきたの。
Sam: 本当に。海に投げ捨てられただろうって思ってたよ。
Joan: ホント、そう考えたわ。でも、そんな馬鹿馬鹿しいことで文句つけられたくないって思って。
Sam: とにかくありがとう。
Joan: ねえ、サム、考えていたんだけど、私たちの態度って子供みたい。友人としてうまく付き合えないわけがないわ。つまり、二人ともお互いに当てこすりを言い合ってきたんだから、そろそろ過去のことは水に流すときなのかも。今夜、フォーマルディナーと、その後にはダンスがあるわ。一緒に行ってもいいかもって思ったの。友人としてね。
Sam: 昨夜からのダンスの相手に何があったんだ?彼のダンスカードは一杯なわけ?
Joan: まあ、どう見ても、あなたはこれができるほど大人じゃないみたい。聞きに来て悪かったわ。さよなら、サミュエル。