Scene 7-6 The Story of Miles & Sadie
After her encounter with Andy, Sadie goes home and starts to prepare a get well basket for Miles to take to him tomorrow. Tanya comes by in the midst of her doing this.
Tanya: Sadie?…Sadie?
Sadie: In the kitchen.
Tanya: Oh there you are. Say, what’s with the basket? Did Jimmy or someone send it over?
Sadie: No, no. It’s not for me. Do you remember that accident a few days ago?
Tanya: The one on the bridge?
Sadie: Yeah that one.
Tanya: How could I forget. You know it took me almost two hours to get to work. It’s a good thing I left when I did. I barely made it on time.
Sadie: Well, anyway my neighbour down the hall, Miles, you remember him?
Tanya: Yeah, I think so. Older fella, really nice?
Sadie: Right. Anyway, it was his cab that was involved in the accident. Apparently he had a mild heart attack and crashed. I just heard a little while ago from a friend of his who was dropping off some of his things.
Tanya: Jeeze. That’s horrible. Are you going to go visit him?
Sadie: Well, he gets out of the hospital tomorrow, so I though I’d bring this by for him.
Tanya: That’s nice of you.
Sadie: Well, I figure it’s the least I can do. You know, I saw him that morning…the day of the accident, right before I went out for my run. He was just leaving too. He was covering someone else’s shift he said.
Tanya: That’s weird. Isn’t that strange how things like that happen?
Sadie: I guess. Um, could you give me a hand wrapping this? I’m almost done.
Tanya: Sure thing.
Words & Phrases
Tanya: セイディ?…セイディ?
Sadie: 台所よ。
Tanya: ああ、そこにいたの。あら、そのバスケットは何?ジミーか誰かが送ってきたの?
Sadie: ううん、ちがうわ。私にじゃないの。2、3日前の事故、憶えてる?
Tanya: 橋のところであったやつのこと?
Sadie: そう、それ。
Tanya: 忘れるもんですか。あの事故のせいで仕事に行くのにほとんど2時間かかったのよ。あのとき出発してよかったわ。ギリギリで時間に間に合ったの。
Sadie: まあ、とにかく、廊下の向こうのお隣さん、マイルズさんなんだけど、憶えてる?
Tanya: うん、憶えてると思うわ。年配の、とても親切な人よね?
Sadie: そう。とにかく、彼のタクシーがあのアクシデントに巻き込まれたの。どうやら、軽い心臓発作を起こして、衝突しちゃったらしいのよ。ついさっき、彼の荷物を置きに来た彼の友人に聞いたばかりなんだけど。
Tanya: へぇー!恐ろしいわね。お見舞いに行こうとしてるの?
Sadie: まあ、明日退院だから、持って行こうと思って。
Tanya: 優しいのね。
Sadie: まあ、これぐらいしかできないと思うから。ほら、あの朝、私、彼と会ったの…あの事故の日、ランニングに出かけるときに。彼も丁度出かけるところだったの。誰か他の人の代わりに出るんだって言ってた。
Tanya: 不思議ね。そんなことが起きるなんて、奇妙なことじゃない?
Sadie: そう思う。えーと、これを包むの手伝ってくれる?もうすぐできるわ。
Tanya: いいわよ。