社会の窓から英会話Social / Business

Scene 7-1 上級 The Story of Miles & Sadie

Over Time

Sadie comes out of her apartment and sees her neighbour, Miles, leaving at the same time. She had a bad experience the previous night, which has left her, among other things, with a black eye. She tries to avoid Miles; but when he sees her and talks to her, she does her best to conceal the injuries.



Miles: Morning, Sadie. I didn’t see you there.

Sadie: (half turns to look at him) Hi, Miles…Yeah, I’m just on my way out.

Miles: You going running?

Sadie: Yeah, well, you know it’s Saturday, so…

Miles: I figured as much. I usually see you heading out at about this time.

Sadie: …

Miles: You know, my doctor told me I should be getting out and exercising more, but I just can’t get into the habit. I don’t know how you do it.

Sadie: I’ve been doing it so long, it’s kind of automatic now.

Miles: Huh. Well, good for you anyway (steps a little closer to her to get a closer look at her face) …Say, you alright? You look kind of worn out. Long night?

Sadie: I…I quit my job…Anyway, uh, what are you doing heading out now? You don’t usually work on Saturdays.

Miles: Oh, uh, one of the guys called in sick, so they asked me to fill in. I don’t really like having to work on a Saturday and all, but it’ll be a nice piece of overtime…Well, I should be going. Sorry, to hear about your job. You be sure to get some rest now, alright.

Sadie: I will, Miles. Thanks.

Miles: Well, I’ll see you later.

Sadie: Yeah, bye.



To begin, I'll give you some background information about this dialogue. Sadie and Miles are neighbours in the same apartment building, and know each other casually. They usually see each other coming and going in the building, and exchange words here and there. In this dialogue, Sadie, having had a really bad night, tries to avoid Miles, but he sees her and starts up a conversation. You can tell by the tone of the dialogue that she really doesn't want to talk to anyone right now. There's not much to comment on here in terms of language; perhaps just take note of how the awkward pauses in the conversation help to set the mood for the scene.

Words & Phrases

get into the habit

call in sick

fill in

background information

awkward pause

set the mood for the rest of the day




Miles: おはよう、セイディ。そこにいたの、気付かなかったよ。

Sadie: (振り返って彼を見る)ハイ、マイルズ…ええ、ちょうど出かけるところなの。

Miles: ランニングかい?

Sadie: ええ、まあ、ほら、土曜日でしょ、だから…

Miles: そうだよね。君は、この時間頃になるといつも出かけるよね。

Sadie: …

Miles: ほら、私も医者からもっと外に出て運動するべきだって言われているんだけど、習慣付けられないんだ。どうしたら君みたいにできるのか、わからないよ。

Sadie: とても長い間続けているから、今では、なんだか体が勝手に動いてしまうの。

Miles: ふーん。まあ、とにかく大したもんだよね(少し歩み寄って、彼女の顔を見る)…ねえ、大丈夫かい?ちょっと疲れ果てているみたいだけど。昨夜、忙しかったの?

Sadie: 私…私、仕事を辞めたの…ところで、えーっと、あなたはどこへ出かけるところなの?普段、土曜日は仕事しないでしょ。

Miles: ああ、えっと、一人病気で休むって連絡があったから、代わりに出てくれって頼まれたんだ。土曜日とかに働かなくちゃいけないのは本当はイヤだけど、結構な超過勤務代が付くだろう…さてと、そろそろ行かなくちゃ。悪かったね、君の仕事のこと聞いたりして。今はちょっと休養を取りなよ、ね。

Sadie: そうするわ、マイルズ。ありがとう。

Miles: じゃあ、また。

Sadie: ええ、バイ。