Lesson 84
Two friends, Yuko and Jenny are shopping for clothes. Jenny is trying on some dresses and Yuko is offering her advice.
Two friends, Yuko and Jenny are shopping for clothes. Jenny is trying on some dresses and Yuko is offering her advice.
Jenny: Hey, what do you think of this one?
Yuko: Hmm … I think it’s a little too long really. I don’t think you can wear the shoes you bought last week with it either.
Jenny: Ooh, I didn’t think of that. You’re right! Wait a sec. I’ll put the next one on.
Yuko: That’s pretty! Turn around. Oh yes, I do like that!
Jenny: Yeah? It’s nice?
Yuko: It’s really nice! But now it’s decision time! Do you prefer that one, or the pink one you tried on earlier?
Jenny: Ah this is the most difficult part! I hate this bit!
Yuko: You can’t buy them both Jenny!
Jenny: Yeah, I know. Well, I did think that the pink dress fitted really well; but I do have another pink dress already. This one’s a little more … unusual I think.
Yuko:I agree. I’d go with that one!
what do you think of this one?
Wait a sec.
ex) Just a second.
His face turned red in a second.
Turn around.
体を回転させて服の後ろ部分もみえるように要求しています。その他"turn around"には、「(物事が)好転する」など意味もあります。
ex) You really seem to turn yourself around.
I agree. I'd go with that one!
Words & Phrases
Jenny: ねえ、これどう?
Yuko: ん〜。ちょっと長すぎるって感じかしら。これじゃあジェニーが先週買った靴には合わないと思うよ。
Jenny: ああ、言われてみればそうね。その通りだわ。ちょっと待って。べつの着てみよっと。
Yuko: それかっわいい〜! うしろ向いてみて。うんうん、すごくいいよ!
Jenny: そう? いいかなあ?
Yuko: ほんとにいいよ! さあ、決断しなきゃだね! それにするか、その前にはいたピンクのにするか、どっち?
Jenny: う〜ん、難しいなあ。こういうの決めるのってすごくイヤ!
Yuko: でも2着も買えないでしょ、ジェニー!
Jenny: うん、そうね。う〜んっと、ピンクのは私的にはピッタリなんだけど、ピンクのドレスってもう持ってるのよねえ。こっちのほうは・・・これまでのとはちょっと違うって感じがする。
Yuko: そうね。それにしちゃいな!