Lesson 214
Samantha is looking to buy a new house, and she has found one she likes; however, there is just one problem with it: the price.
Samantha is looking to buy a new house, and she has found one she likes; however, there is just one problem with it: the price.
RealEstateAgent: So what do you think?
Samantha: I love it. This house is amazing. It has a great location. It’s nice and big, and the property is to die for.
RealEstateAgent: It is great, isn’t it? You won’t find a better place in this part of town. This is a real find.
Samantha: It sure is. By the way, what is the asking price?
RealEstateAgent: The owners are asking 250.
Samantha: Two Hundred-fifty Thousand Dollars!
RealEstateAgent: Well, as I said this place is a real treasure, and the location is unbeatable.
Samantha: I know, but $250,000. I don’t know. I mean, I love it, but the price is a little higher than we had hoped. I’m going to have to talk to my husband about it. Is there any way the owners would be willing to bring the price down a little?
RealEstateAgent: I don’t know. I mean, we’ve had a few offers already.
Samantha: I tell you what, I’ll talk it over with my husband tonight and I’ll call you tomorrow.
RealEstateAgent: Fine with me. But don’t wait until too late tomorrow. This place is a hot number.
This is a real find.
ex: The scarf was a lucky find at a thrift store
what is the asking price?
"asking price"は、文字だけで想像できるように「提示価格、言い値」をさします。ビジネスでよくつかわれる表現です。
ex: I'm afraid your asking price is way beyond what we can afford.
I tell you what,
"I tell you what"は、いい考えが浮かんだときなどに「ではこうしよう」とか「ちょっといい?」と相手の注意を促す表現です。
ex: "I tell you what! Why don't you stop whining about it and do it as you please?
(ちょっといいかしら! 泣き言を言うのはやめて、好きなようにやってみたらどうなの?)
This place is a hot number.
"hot number"はアメリカ英語のスラングで「売れ筋商品、人気商品」という意味。そのほかにも「すごくセクシーな男(女)」という意味もありますので要注意。
Words & Phrases
RealEstateAgent: で、いかがでしょう?
Samantha: すごく気に入ったわ。すばらしい家ね。場所も最高だわ。すてきで、大きくて、この家すごく欲しいわ。
RealEstateAgent: すばらしいでしょう? この辺りじゃ、これ以上の物件はないですね。本当に掘り出しものです。
Samantha: だわよね。ところで、提示価格はおいくら?
RealEstateAgent: 所有者の提示は250です。
Samantha: 250,000ドル!
RealEstateAgent: ええ、申し上げましたとおり、これはほんとうにお宝でして、場所もとびきりです。
Samantha: それはわかるけど、250,000ドルよ。どうかしら。すごく気に入ってはいるんだけど、値段が思ってたよりもちょっと高いの。主人に相談してからじゃないと。もしかしたら、所有者が値段をちょこっと下げてもいい、なんてことにはならないかしら。
RealEstateAgent: どうでしょうねえ。もうすでに数件のお申し込みがありますから。
Samantha: そしたら、主人と今夜相談して、明日お電話するわ。
RealEstateAgent: わかりました。でも、あまり明日遅くまでは遅らせないでくださいよ。この物件は大人気ですから。