Lesson 360
Bert tries to do his wife Anna a favor by taking care of some of their laundry. The only problem is that most of the clothes went in one size and came out another.
Bert tries to do his wife Anna a favor by taking care of some of their laundry. The only problem is that most of the clothes went in one size and came out another.
A: Bert, dear.
B: Yes.
A: Did you do some laundry yesterday?
B: Yeah. There was a whole pile of stuff to be done, so I did it
for you as a surprise.
A: That was very sweet of you.
B: Well…yeah, I guess it was.
A: Anyway, how much soap did you use?
B: Well, see, there was a lot of laundry, so I put in about three
scoops to compensate for the extra stuff.
A: I see.
B: Yeah, I figured rather than do several smaller loads, I’d just
put them all together to save time.
A: Well, it seems you’ve also managed to save space.
B: Oh yeah, how’d I do that?
A: Take a look at this shirt, Bert. Notice anything unusual?
B: No…should I?
A: Bert! This shirt is half of its original size! I can’t wear
this…Look, I appreciate your helping out, but almost all of
the clothes you washed are ruined.
B: Ruined?
A: Yes, ruined. They’re too small! Just promise me next time
you’ll follow the instructions on the detergent, please.
There was a whole pile of stuff to be done,
“pile of + 名詞" で「多量の、たくさんの」という意味。
また、"pile of + 名詞複数" は「積み重ね、積み上げられた」という意味になります。
ex. There was a pile of books on the floor.
so, I did it for you as a surprise.
“as a surprise" は「びっくりするように、びっくりさせるために」という意味。
ex. Why don't you take her out to dinner as a surprise?
That was very sweet of you.
“sweet"と言えば、甘い!という言葉がすぐ浮かんでくるかもしれませんが、ここでは「思いやりのある、優しい」の表現になる。“You are so sweet!" 「なんてやさしいんでしょ!」もあわせて覚えておくと便利でしょう。
ex. She has a sweet disposition.
Well, it seems you've also managed to save space.
“manage to" は、状況によって表現が違いますが、ここでは to do で、「なんとかやり遂げる、かろうじて〜する、〜することができた」という意味。Succeedよりも少しくだけた表現になる。
ex. I managed to get there just before the bus left.
A: バートちゃん。
B: はい。
A: 昨日、洗濯した?
B: したよ。洗濯しなきゃいけないものがたくさんあったから、びっくりさせ
A: やさしいのね。
B: ええっと・・・そうかな、そうだったかも。
A: ところで、どれくらい洗剤使った?
B: うーん、そうだな、洗濯物がたくさんあったから、多かった分を考えて、
A: なるほど。
B: そう、洗濯を少しずつするよりも、時間を節約するために全部一緒に入
A: そうね、洗濯物のスペースも節約できたようね。
B: そうなの、どうやって?
A: このシャツを見てよ、バート。何か変だと思わない?
B: 別に・・・何か?
A: バート!このシャツ、元のサイズの半分よ!こんなの着れないわ・・・
B: ダメになった?
A: そう、ダメになった。全部小さすぎるのよ!お願いだから、今度は洗剤