Lesson 440
Heather is talking to her boyfriend Derek about her cousin Rebecca's wedding.
Heather is talking to her boyfriend Derek about her cousin Rebecca's wedding.
D: Derek
H: Heather
D: How was Rebecca’s wedding?
H: Oh my God, you’ll never believe what happened.
D: What?!
H: Everyone was gathered and waiting in the church, right?
The organist was playing the wedding march and the groom was
waiting at the altar, but Rebecca never walked down the aisle.
D: Huh? Where did she go?
H: Apparently she got as far as the church doors, but chickened out
at the last minute. She told her father that she had to use the
bathroom, disappeared and didn’t come back!
D: No way! So what happened?
H: Well, her father got worried when she didn’t come back after
twenty minutes and went looking for her with the bridesmaids.
They found a note from her in the bathroom saying she’d changed
her mind and didn’t want to get married any more.
D: She did a runner?
H: Yep. Meanwhile, Angus and two hundred guests waited in the
church for an hour before Rebecca’s father came in and had to
announce that the whole thing was off.
D: Poor Angus. I couldn’t think of anything more embarrassing
than being jilted at the altar.
H: Yeah, I know. I hope he’ll move on find someone else who will
treat him better than Rebecca did!
Apparently she got as far as the church doors, but chickened out at the last minute.
"the last minute"は「土壇場の、最後の瞬間の、(時間)ぎりぎりの」
という意味。 "last minute decision"「土壇場の決定」、"last
minute chance"「さよならのチャンス」、 "last minute change"
Ex: Ruth cancelled our date at the last minute!
She did a runner?
"do a runner"は「逃亡する、とんずらする、消える、ずらかる、
大急ぎで去る」という意味。 "clean out", "dash away",
"fly off", peel out"なども同じ意味。"runner"は「走者」
Ex: Keith couldn't afford the debt so he did a runner.
I couldn't think of anything more embarrassing than being jilted at the altar.
"dump", "spurn"などと同じ意味。名詞では「恋人を捨てた
Ex: Lauren jilted her boyfriend to get married to a billionaire.
D: レベッカの結婚式はどうだった?
H: あ〜、何が起こったか、絶対信じられないよ。
D: 何?!
H: みんな集まって、教会で待ってたのよ。オルガニストがウェディング
D: えー?彼女どこへ行ったの?
H: どうも、彼女教会のドアのところまで来たけど、土壇場でおじけづいた
D: 冗談だろ!それでどうなったの?
H: それで、彼女のお父さんが、彼女が20分経っても戻って来ないのから
D: 彼女、逃げたの?
H: そう。その一方で、レベッカのお父さんが入ってきて、全てが
D: かわいそうな、アンガス。祭壇で振られるより、恥ずかしいこと
H: そうよね。彼には、諦めをつけて、レベッカよりもっと良くしてくれる