Lesson 470
Charity and her boyfriend Tom are at an all-you-can-eat restaurant. Charity is amazed at Tom's huge appetite.
Charity and her boyfriend Tom are at an all-you-can-eat restaurant. Charity is amazed at Tom's huge appetite.
C: I can’t believe you’re having a fourth helping! I know you said
you were starving, but haven’t you had enough already?
T: But this roast lamb is so good! And I hardly ever get a chance
to eat any usually. It’s a shame to let it go to waste.
C: Are you really going to eat all that?
T: Just watch me!
(ten minutes later)
C: What’s the matter?
T: I don’t think I can finish this.
C: What did I tell you? Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.
T: I thought I could eat it all at the time.
C: Well, you’re going to have to try. They charge us for any food
left uneaten on our plates.
T: No way! Can you help me?
C: No! I’m stuffed. And I’m watching my weight. You took the food,
you eat it.
T: OK, OK. I’ll have a little rest and try again in a few minutes.
I can't believe you're having a fourth helping!
他には、"serving", "help"とも言う。
Ex: Would you like another helping?
It's a shame to let it go to waste.
"It's a shame to 〜"は「〜するのはもったいない、〜は困ったことだ、
Ex: It's a shame we have to work on such a lovely day.
Your eyes are bigger than your stomach.
"eyes are bigger than one's stomach"は「胃より目の方が大きい」
Ex: "Are you going to leave all that food?"
"I thought I could eat it but my eyes were bigger than my
And I'm watching my weight.
"watch one's weight"は「体重に注意する」という意味で、
使える。"I'm on a diet."と同じ意味。他に"watch"を使った
イディオムには、"watch every dime"「けちけちする」、"watch
one's mouth"「言葉遣いに注意する」、"watch one's time"
Ex: "Would you like to have some dessert?!"
"No, thank you. I'm watching my weight"
C: あなたが4皿目を食べてるなんて、信じられない!腹ペコだって言ってた
T: だけど、このローストラムは凄く美味しいよ!それに、 ふだんは滅多に
C: 本当に、それ全部をたべるつもり?
T: まあ、見てろよ!
C: どうしたの?
T: これを食べ切れると思えないよ。
C: ほら、言ったでしょ?多く取り過ぎよ。
T: あの時は、全部食べられると思ったんだ。
C: まあ、頑張らなきゃね。お皿に食べ残しがあったら、お店が代金を請求
T: うそだろ!手伝ってくれない?
C: 嫌よ!お腹がいっぱい。それに、ダイエット中なの。あなたが食べ物を
T: 分かったよ、分かりました。ちょっと休んで、すぐにまた挑戦するよ。