Scene 12 Cooking
Tim is helping his flatmate Rose cook dinner.
Tim is helping his flatmate Rose cook dinner.
Rose: Hi Tim! You’re back early today.
Tim: Yeah, my World History lecture was cancelled today because the
lecturer’s down with the flu.
Rose: Lucky you. I wish my Linguistics lecturer would get the flu.
Tim: Well, you might be lucky. It’s going around right now. Hey,
is that dinner?
Rose: Yeah, I’m making kedgeree tonight.
Tim: Yum! Want me to give you a hand?
Rose: Thanks! That would be great. I’ve just chopped these onions,
so could you throw a little butter in that frying pan and fry
them for me?
Tim: Sure thing.
Rose: And when the onion is clear, can you add this fish and the rice
in that bowl over there and heat it all up? The hard-boiled
eggs should be ready by now, so I’ll chop them up ready to
throw in.
Tim: Are the onions OK?
Rose: Yeah, that looks great.
Tim: So I just chuck in the fish?
Rose: Don’t forget the rice too. Here, I’ll take over. Can you chop
up the parsley for me?
Tim: Yessir!
the lecturer's down with the flu.
“be down with 〜”は「〜で寝込む、〜で倒れる」という意味。また、
という言い方には、“be sick in bed”, “come down with”,
“contract”, “be stuck with”などの言い方がある。
Ex: I was down with a cold last week.
It's going around right now.
“go around”は「(病気が)流行る、まん延する、(うわさが)
イディオムには、“go about”「(人と)で歩く、(異性と)付き
合う、歩き回る、旅行する」、“go by”「通り過ぎる、(年月が)
経つ、(機会・過失など)見逃される」、“go off”「気を失う、
寝入る、消える、切れる、止まる」、“Go on (with you)!”
Ex: A bad rumor about you is going around.
So I just chuck in the fish?
“chuck in”は「投げ込む、投げ入れる、投げ出す、放り出す、
Ex: Can you chuck the books into those boxes over there?
Here, I'll take over.
“take over”はこの場合「引き継ぐ、交代する」という意味。他には
Ex: Jim took over his family's business.
R: お帰り、ティム!今日は、帰りが早いわね。
T: ああ、先生がインフルエンザで寝込んだから、僕の世界史の講義が、
R: ラッキーね。私の言語学の先生もインフルエンザにかかればいいのに。
T: でも、君もラッキーかもよ。今、インフルエンザが流行ってるからね。
R: ええ、今晩は、ケジャリーを作ってるの。
T: うまそう!手伝おうか?
R: ありがとう!助かるわ。ちょうど、玉ねぎを切ったから、あの
T: いいよ。
R: それで、玉ねぎが透明になったら、この魚と、あそこのボールの中の
ご飯を加えて、全部一緒に温めてくれる? ゆで卵がもうすぐ出来る
T: 玉ねぎ、大丈夫かな?
R: ええ、良さそうね。
T: それで、魚を入れるの?
R: ご飯を入れるのも忘れないで。ほら、私が代わるわ。パセリを刻んで
T: 了解しました!