女性の英会話劇場Woman's Story

Scene 109 中級





Sharon is shopping with her friend, Kate, who has brought her 6-month-old son with her. Her son is asleep in a stroller.

Sharon: He sleeps well, doesn’t he?

Kate: Yeah, he’s really good…the only time he cries really like a baby is when I change his diapers.

Sharon: What…he cries, saying “Mommy, don’t look at me in my birthday suit”? Oh, by the way, I saw a changing station sign on the second floor, so if you need to change his nappies, just tell me.

Kate: Thanks. Do you know if there’s a nursing room in this building?

Sharon: Mmm…I doubt it. Are you still breastfeeding?

Kate: He now drinks my breast milk and formula.

Sharon: Oh…look at his booties…aren’t they so tiny? And his rattle…it’s got a ladybug on it…and the way he’s sucking his pacifier…isn’t it cute?

Kate: Oh no! I thought I’d brought everything, including his clothes, bottle and bib…but I forgot my wallet!



Her son is asleep in a stroller.



I change his diapers



Don't look at me in my birthday suit.


in one's birthday suitとは「素っ裸」のこと。日本語でも「生まれたままの姿」と言いますから、同じ感覚です。

I saw a changing station sign on the second floor.


changing stationは「オムツをかえる台」のこと。change tableという表現も見たことがありますが,changing stationの方がポピュラーです。

Do you know if there's a nursing room in this building?

(このビルに授乳室があるかどうか知ってる? )

nursing roomは「授乳室」。

He now drinks my breast milk and formula.


「粉ミルク」は(baby) formula, powder milkなどと言います。formulaがいちばんポピュラーですね。

Look at his booties…aren't they so tiny? And his rattle…it's got a ladybug on it…and the way he's sucking his pacifier…



I thought I'd brought everything, including his clothes, bottle and bib…


(baby) bottleは「ホニュウビン」、bibは「よだれかけ」。赤ちゃんを連れてのお出かけは本当に荷物が多くてたいへん…ですよね。ママの皆さん,ごくろうさまです。




S: よく寝るわね?

K: そうなの、すごくいい子なのよ…この子が本当に赤ちゃんみたいに泣く時ってオムツをかえてやる時ぐらいなのよ。.

S: え…「ママ、生まれたままの姿のボクを見ないでぇ」って泣いてるのかしらね?あ、そういえば、2階にオムツかえ台のサインがあったからオムツを替えたい時は言ってね。

K: ありがとう。このビルに授乳室があるかどうか知ってる?

S: うーん…ないんじゃないかな。まだ母乳あげてるの?

K: この子は今母乳と粉ミルクを飲んでるわ。

S: わぁ…この靴見てよ…すっごいちっちゃいのね?それにこのガラガラ…てんとう虫がついてるぅ…おしゃぶりの吸い方…かわいいのねぇ?

K: やだぁ!この子の着替えもホニュウビンもよだれかけも全部持って来たと思ったのに…私ったらお財布忘れて来ちゃったわ!