Lesson 137
Tracy is all bandaged up. She bumps into her friend Jake.
Tracy is all bandaged up. She bumps into her friend Jake.
Jake: Hey Tracy. What happened? You look like you’ve been in the wars.
Tracy: Yeah, I’m black and blue all over. I slipped over on the ice yesterday on my way home and sprained my ankle.
Jake: Ow! Did you go to the doctor?
Tracy: Yeah. They x-rayed it but luckily there weren’t any breaks.
Jake: So what’s the story with your hand? Did you hurt that falling over too?
Tracy: No, I cut myself accidentally with a carving knife yesterday when I was making dinner.
Jake: Not too serious, I hope?
Tracy: Painful, but nothing I can’t handle.
Jake: And what happened to your head?
Tracy: Well, on my way to work this morning, the bus I was in rear-ended the car in front of it and I banged my head on the seat in front of me.
Jake: Wow Tracy! You’re really accident prone!
You look like you've been in the wars.
"in the wars"は、「戦争にいる」から転じて、「怪我をする」という意味。軽くいうフレーズです。
ex: My brother Sam has been in the wars. He broke his leg yesterday.
Yeah, I'm black and blue all over.
"black and blue"は、ひどいあざがあるという意味。 "bruised,""beaten," "battered" という言い方もあります。
ex: My face was black and blue after the car accident.
So what's the story with your hand?
"what's the story with 〜?"は、「〜の話は?」から、「〜はどうしたの?」という意味になります。"what's up with 〜?" "what's the matter with 〜?" としてもほぼ同じです。
ex: What's the story with her?
Well, on my way to work this morning, the bus I was in rear-ended the car in front of it and I banged my head on the seat in front of me.
ex: My son was rear-ended and the other driver claimed my son caused the accident.
You're really accident prone!
"prone"は「〜しがちな、〜しやすい」という意味で、"accident prone"は、「事故を起しやすい(人)」となります。
Words & Phrases
Jake: やあ、トレーシー。どうしたの? ものすごい傷だね。
Tracy: うん、あっちこっちあざだらけよ。昨日、帰る途中に凍った道で滑って、足首を捻挫しちゃったの。
Jake: ひぇー!?医者にいったの?
Tracy: うん。レントゲン写真を撮られたけど、折れてなくてよかったわ。
Jake: じゃ、手はどうしたの? やっぱり転んだときに痛めたの?
Tracy: ううん、昨日、料理をしてたときに切り盛り用ナイフで間違って切っちゃったの。
Jake: だいじょうぶ?
Tracy: 痛かったけど、たいしたことはないわ。
Jake: で、頭はどうしたの?
Tracy: えっと、今日、通勤してるときに私が乗ってたバスが前の車にぶつかって、前の席に頭を打っちゃったの。
Jake: うひゃー、トレーシー! キミはホントに事故を起こしやすいね!