Lesson 139
Joe bumps into his friend Kathy, who is looking very pleased.
Joe bumps into his friend Kathy, who is looking very pleased.
Joe: You’re all smiles today, Kathy. Did you strike gold or something?
Kathy: Well, kind of! You know how I had to put my car in for repairs last week?
Joe: Oh, yeah. You were worried it was going to cost you a fortune, right?
Kathy: Yeah. I thought I’d be living on a shoestring until my next pay day, but as it turns out, it cost $500 less than what I thought it would!
Joe: Really? You did pretty well then.
Kathy: You’re telling me! I was worried there for a minute because I forked out $500 on a whim for a 6 month course of facials last week and I was beginning to wonder how I was going to pay it off!
Joe: Well, it sounds like you’re even stevens then.
Kathy: Yep. That sure made my day. Maybe I’ll celebrate by going shopping!
I thought I'd be living on a shoestring until my next pay day,
"live on"は「〜で暮らす」という意味で、"live on a shoestring"だと決まり文句で「靴ひもで暮らす」→「細々と暮らす」という意味になります。
ex: I get fired, and I have to live on porridge from now on.
You're telling me!
相手に言ったことに賛同する決まり文句です。"You can say that again."、"Tell me about it."も同じ意味です。
I forked out $500 on a whim for a 6 month course of facials last week
"fork out for〜"は、「〜のために大金を費やす」というインフォーマルな表現。"whim"は「気紛れ」という意味の名詞で、"on a whim"で「気紛れで」。
ex: Britons fork out for the experience of life.
Well, it sounds like you're even stevens then.
ex: See you later, alligator!
That sure made my day.
"make someone's day" で「〜の日にする」→「〜を喜ばせる」という意味になります。
ex: It's not my day.
Words & Phrases
Joe: キャシー、今日はごきげんだね。大当たりでもしたのかい?
Kathy: ま、ある意味ね! 先週、わたし車を修理に出したでしょう?
Joe: あ、そうだったね。すごいおカネがかかるだろうって心配してたね。
Kathy: うん。次の給料日までは細々と生活しなければならないと思ってたら、修理は思ったより$500安かったの!
Joe: マジ? よかったね。
Kathy: ホントよかったよ! 先週、$500する6ヶ月分のエステスに衝動で申し込んじゃったから、どうやって支払おうかとちょっと悩んでたの。
Joe: じゃ、損はなかったんだね。
Kathy: うん。すごく嬉しかったわ。お祝いに買い物でもしようかな!