Lesson 170
Jim is talking to Caroline about the soccer game he played this afternoon.
Jim is talking to Caroline about the soccer game he played this afternoon.
Caroline: How did the game go, Jim? Did you make it to the finals?
Jim: No, we lost it in the last ten minutes.
Caroline: You’re not serious?! But you guys were a sure bet to win today!
Jim: Yeah, I guess we underestimated them. Everything was going so well – we were leading 3-1 going into the last fifteen minutes and we thought we had the game sewn up.
Caroline: So what happened?
Jim: That’s what I’d like to know. We had such a comfortable lead, I guess we were lulled into a sense of security and dropped off our game.
Caroline: And they took advantage of that and made a comeback?
Jim: They scored two goals in ten minutes and took the game to a penalty shootout.
Caroline: That must have been a shock.
Jim: Yeah, and we didn’t recover. We lost the penalty shootout 5-4 and our chances for the championship went up in smoke.
Caroline: Too bad!
But you guys were a sure bet to win today!
ex: Before this season started, many critics said that Tigars was a bad bet to win the pennant race.
we were leading 3-1 going into the last fifteen minutes and we thought we had the game sewn up.
"sewn"は"sew"(縫う)の過去分詞形。"sew up"は「縫い合わせる」から転じて、「(試合や取引などの)決着をつける」という意味になります。インフォーマルな表現。
ex: It's wise to do everything you can do to sew up the deal as soon as possible.
I guess we were lulled into a sense of security and dropped off our game.
"lull"は「静まる、弱まる」という意味で、"be lulled into a sence of security"で、「(安心できない状況下で)安心してしまう」ことをあらわします。
ex: The reviews lulled me into a false expectation.
and our chances for the championship went up in smoke.
"go up in smoke"は、文字通り「煙となって消える」ということ。
ex: The data went up in smoke.
Words & Phrases
Caroline: 試合はどうだった、ジム? 決勝まで進んだ?
Jim: いや、最後の10分で負けちゃったよ。
Caroline: ホントに?! あなたのチームは今日、ゼッタイ勝つはずだったじゃない!
Jim: ああ、相手をなめちゃったんだよ。最初は順調に進んでたんだ。終了15分前の時点で3-1でリードしてたから、そのまま勝てると思ったよ。
Caroline: で、なにが起きたの?
Jim: それなんだよ、オレが知りたいのは。あまりに順調にリードしてたから、油断してしまって試合を投げちゃったんだと思う。
Caroline: そこを相手につかれて、盛り返されちゃったの?
Jim: 10分間で2つのゴールを決められて、PK戦までもつれ込まされたんだ。
Caroline: あら、それはショックでしょ。
Jim: うん、けっきょくウチは立ち直れなかった。PKで5-4で負けちゃって、決勝にいくチャンスがおじゃんになっちゃったんだ。
Caroline: 残念ね!