Lesson 189
Pandora is complaining about her long working week to her workmate Bryan.
Pandora is complaining about her long working week to her workmate Bryan.
Pandora: (Sigh) I hate it when we have to work Sundays. It puts my whole week out of kilter.
Bryan: You can say that again. The week never seems to end. Having only one day off really sucks too. You can’t get anything done.
Pandora: So, what DID you do with your one day off this week?
Bryan: Picked up some groceries and cleaned the car. Riveting stuff. How about you?
Pandora: Took my grandmother to the doctor’s. That took all day. There wasn’t time left to do anything else.
Bryan: Oh well, we have a long weekend coming up in another couple of weeks. I’m looking forward to having a fun-filled three days!
Pandora: Me too!
It puts my whole week out of kilter.
"out of kilter"は「調子が悪い、故障して」。逆の意味だと"in kilter"(調子が良い)。主に話し言葉で使われます。
ex: There is something quite out of kilter when viewed from another perspective.
You can say that again.
相手の発言に対して同意をするときにつかうフレーズです。同じ意味の表現としてYou said it!"、"You bet!""Tell me about it"などがあります。
ex) A: The traffic in Tokyo is terrible!
B: You can say that again!
A: 東京の交通渋滞はひどいね
B: まったくだよ
Having only one day off really sucks too.
ex: He sucks!
Riveting stuff.
ex: The climax of this book is riveting.
Words & Phrases
Pandora: (ため息)日曜に働くのって大嫌い。一週間すべてがダメになっちゃう。
Bryan: ホントそうだよね。一週間がぜんぜん終わらないような感じ。休みがたった一日だけっていうのもホントにムカツクよね。なんにもできやしないよ。
Pandora: で、今週の休みは何をしたの?
Bryan: 食料雑貨類を買いに行って、洗車した。クールな休みだ。キミは?
Pandora: おばあちゃんをお医者さんに連れて行ったわ。一日がかりでね。他のことをする時間がまったくなかったわ。
Bryan: まあ、あと数週間で長い週末がやってくるさ。楽しい楽しい3日間が待ち遠しいなあ!
Pandora: 私も!