Lesson 202
Sandy is talking to her friend Tom, who is in the process of looking for a job.
Sandy is talking to her friend Tom, who is in the process of looking for a job.
Sandy: How’s the job hunt going? Have you got yourself employed yet?
Tom: Not yet. I’ve been sending resumes everywhere I can think of, but no one seems to want computer programmers right now. I never knew job hunting was this frustrating!
Sandy: Yeah. It doesn’t help that we’re right in the middle of a recession right now, either. Good jobs are few and far between.
Tom: I guess I’ll just have to stick at it until something turns up. At this stage, I’ll take anything just to get my foot in the door.
Sandy: Anything?
Tom: Well, almost anything…
Sandy: Hmmm… Are you by any chance interested in designing home pages? I know it’s not the same as programming but it’s something you’re good at. My friend is looking for someone at the moment. The pay isn’t great but a job’s a job.
Tom: Sounds great!
Sandy: Well, I’ll give my friend a call and tell him you’re interested.
Tom: Really? Thanks, Sandy. You’re a real pal!
Have you got yourself employed yet?
"get + 目的語+過去分詞"で「〜を…させる(される)、〜を…してもらう」。
"get oneself employed"は「就職する、(自分を)雇ってもらう」という意味です。
Good jobs are few and far between.
"few and far between"で「極めて稀な、数が少ない」という意味のイディオムです。
ex: Gas stations are few and far between on this route.
I guess I'll just have to stick at it until something turns up.
"stick at 〜"で「〜を粘り強くやる、頑張る」。
"stick with 〜"や"stick to 〜"も同様の意味で使われます。
ex: Stick at it until you have finished it!
I'll take anything just to get my foot in the door.
"get one's foot in the door"で「きっかけをつかむ」。
ex: I've heard that Rebecca worked part-time at an ad agency soon after graduation, and got her foot in the door as an ad designer.
Are you by any chance interested in designing home pages?
"by any chance"で「もしかして、ひょっとして」。
ex: Is her name, by any chance, Erica?
Words & Phrases
Sandy: 就職活動はどんな調子?もう就職できた?
Tom: まだだよ。思いつく限りのところに履歴書を送ってるんだけど、今すぐコンピュータプログラマーを必要としているところはないみたいなんだ。就職活動がこんなにイライラするとは思わなかったよ!
Sandy: そう。今は不景気の真っただ中だって言ったって、何の救いにもならないわよね。良い仕事はなかなかないわ。
Tom: たぶん、何か見つかるまで頑張るしかないんだろうな。今のところは、きっかけをつかむためなら何でもやるつもりなんだ。
Sandy: 何でも?
Tom: まあ、たいていのことなら何でも…
Sandy: ふ〜ん… もしかして、ホームページ設計に興味ある?プログラミングと同じってわけじゃないことは知っているけど、あなたの得意なことよね。友達が今、人材を探しているの。給料は多くないけど、仕事は仕事よ。
Tom: よさそうだね!
Sandy: それじゃ、友達に電話して、あなたが興味をもっているって伝えるわ。
Tom: 本当?ありがとう、サンディ。君は本当の友人だよ!