Lesson 203
Charlotte and Eddie are talking about a party they have been invited to.
Charlotte and Eddie are talking about a party they have been invited to.
Charlotte: That party is still on for the 20th, isn’t it?
Eddie: Yeah, I heard from Sophie yesterday. She suggested we go to The Bamboo House.
Charlotte: That sounds great! I’ve never been there before but I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. Who else is coming?
Eddie: Well, I kind of get the feeling it’s only going to be the three of us.
Charlotte: Just the three of us? That’s not much of a party is it? I was looking forward to really letting my hair down.
Eddie: I know. Me too. I wonder if Sophie would be insulted if we invited some others along?
Charlotte: Hmmm. Maybe you should suggest it to her. But be careful, she can be touchy at the best of times!
That party is still on for the 20th, isn't it?
ex: The barbecue is still on for next Sunday.
That's not much of a party is it?
"not much of 〜"で「たいした〜ではない」。会話で使われるくだけた表現です。
ex: Though the weather forecast says it's going to rain tomorrow, that's not much of a problem.
I was looking forward to really letting my hair down.
"let one's hair down"で「くつろぐ、羽目をはずして騒ぐ、本音を出す」。
ex: I think a little drinking party will give you a chance to let your hair down and get to know each other better.
she can be touchy at the best of times!
"at the best of times"で「最高にうまく行っているときに」
ex: Choosing gifts can be a headache and time consuming at the best of times, can't it?
Words & Phrases
Charlotte: 例のパーティー、予定どおり20日にあるのよね?
Eddie: うん、ソフィーから昨日連絡あったよ。ザ・バンブーハウスに行くみたいなこと言ってたな。
Charlotte: すっご〜い!私は行ったことないけど、良い評判しか聞いたことないわ。他には誰が来るの?
Eddie: う〜ん、 なんだか、行くのは僕ら3人だけだって感じだったなぁ。
Charlotte: 私たち3人だけ?それじゃ、たいしたパーティじゃないのね?羽目をはずして騒ぐのをホント楽しみにしていたんだけど。
Eddie: そうだね。僕もさ。他の人を誘ったら、ソフィーは気を悪くするかな?
Charlotte: う〜ん。彼女にそれとなく言ってみるべきかもね。でも、慎重にね。彼女、最高にうまく行っているときでも神経質で扱いにくいことがあるから。