Lesson 215
Jill was about to go out when her father spoke to her.
Jill was about to go out when her father spoke to her.
Dad: Where do you think you’re going, young lady?
Jill: Uhhhh, Amy and I have a project to work on and I’m meeting her at the library.
Dad: Really? Dressed like that?
Jill: Yeah, what’s wrong with the way I’m dressed?
Dad: Well, it’s fine if they’re having a rave at this library you’re going to. Now why don’t you tell me where you’re really going so that I can forbid you from going there.
Jill: Aw, Dad. Look. There’s a really great DJ playing at Vibe tonight. Please let me go. I won’t be late.
Dad: Sorry, Jill, but you lied about where you were going, and besides your grades haven’t been very good recently. We talked about this. You promised to put in more effort at school.
Jill: I know but…
Dad: But what?
Jill: Never mind…
it's fine if they're having a rave at this library you're going to.
ex: Police agents shut down a rave at 10:30 pm on Saturday, seizing drugs that were packaged for sale.
You promised to put in more effort at school.
"effort"は「努力」ですね。「努力をする」だと、"put in an effort"、"make an effort"となります。
ex: I usually did my homework and put in an effort to get good marks.
Never mind…
"never mind"は、「気にしないで、心配しないで」。あまり重要ではないから気にするな、ということを相手に伝える表現です。
ex: I was just trying to help you. But never mind, if you don't want my help."
Words & Phrases
Dad: どこに行こうっていうんだい?
Jill: あー、エイミーといっしょに課題に取り組まなくちゃならなくってー、図書館で会うことになってるのー。
Dad: そうなのか? そんな格好して?
Jill: うん、この格好のなにがいけないっていうの?
Dad: 図書館でパーティーをするっていうなら、その格好でも問題ないな。さあ、本当はどこに行くのか話したらどうだい、お父さんがダメって言えるように。
Jill: うう、お父さん。ほら。すっごく大物のDJが、今夜バイブで演奏するの。お願いだから行かせてよ! 帰りは遅くならないから。
Dad: 残念だが、ジル、行き先をウソついたし、さいきんお前の成績もあまりよくないじゃないか。これについてはもう話したよな。勉強をもっと頑張ると約束しただろ。
Jill: そうだケド・・・
Dad: ケドなんだ?
Jill: なんでもない・・・。