Lesson 292
Pam and Kumiko are planning a trip to Europe. They are trying to decide which countries they should visit.
Pam and Kumiko are planning a trip to Europe. They are trying to decide which countries they should visit.
Pam: Ok. Here are the brochures I picked up today.
Kumiko: And here are the travel guides I borrowed from the library.
Pam: Great. So, have you managed to have a look at all?
Kumiko: Yeah. And I’ve got some ideas from other friends too. But I think it’s going to be difficult deciding where to go and where not to go. We worked it out, right – we can only go for three weeks. So I don’t think we can see everything we’d ideally like to.
Pam: You couldn’t have put it more accurately – I’ve been thinking exactly the same thing. Well, I think France, Spain and Italy are musts, don’t you?
Kumiko: Yes, definitely. I have friends in Holland who we could stay with, which would help out on the money side of things, but do you want to go there?
Pam: I’d love to! Holland looks really pretty in some of the pictures I’ve seen. And if we’re there, how about Belgium? It’s not too far.
Kumiko: Sure – great chocolate!
So, have you managed to have a look at all?
"manage to do something"で、「(難しいことを)成し遂げる、なんとか〜する」という意味。
ex: How will you manage to pay for it?
So I don't think we can see everything we'd ideally like to.
同じ否定の意味でも、"I don't think 〜"と"I think 〜 not..."では微妙にニュアンスが異なります。前者では"think"を否定している、つまり個人個人の主観に基づく意見なので、後者よりもやわらなか表現となります。"believe", "suppose"、"imagine"などの動詞も同様で、"I don't believe 〜"などの表現が好まれます。
ex: I don't think we need to hear any details about it.
You couldn't have put it more accurately
France, Spain and Italy are musts
ex: Experience is a must for the position.
Words & Phrases
Pam: ほれ。きょう見つけたパンフレットだよ。
Kumiko: こっちは図書館で借りた旅行ガイド。
Pam: よっしゃ。で、中身は読んだ?
Kumiko: うん。友だちからもいろいろアイデアをもらったよ。でも、難しいよ、行くところと行かないところを決めるのは。いろいろ考えたじゃない。3週間しか行けないわけだから、見たいところすべてをまわるのは難しいね。
Pam: まったくその通りだよ。僕もそう思ってた。まあ、フランスやスペイン、イタリアははずせないと思わない?
Kumiko: ゼッタイはずせない。オランダに友だちがいて泊めてもらえるから、おカネは浮くと思うけど、オランダは行きたい?
Pam: 行きたいね! 写真で見たけど、オランダってホントよさそうなところじゃん。もしオランダにいったら、ベルギーはどう? 近いし。
Kumiko: いいわね。チョコレートだよね!