Lesson 334
Debra and Joe are stuck in a lift.
Debra and Joe are stuck in a lift.
D: Oh! Why did all the lights just go out?
J: I think there’s been a power cut. The lift’s stopped moving.
D: Oh great! We’re stuck in a pitch black lift and the staff
meeting starts in two minutes. Hank is going to have a fit.
J: Aah, it looks like the emergency lighting just kicked in. Well,
this is a fine start to the day! More exciting than one of
Hank’s staff meetings anyway!
D: I’ve never been stuck in a lift before. You hear all these
stories about people who have to wait for hours for help then get
rescued by the fire brigade. You know, I think I’d rather be
stuck in here for a couple of hours than have to go to work!
J: Me too. But we’d better contact someone and let them know
we’re in here. I think that’s the emergency button over there
by your elbow. You’d better call for help.
I think there's been a power cut.
“power cut"は、「電力の供給停止、停電」という意味。
その他、power 関連の単語は、power line 「送電線」、power plant (station) 「発電所」、power supply 「電源(装置)」、power tool 「電動工具」などがある。
ex. That was a long power cut we had last night!
We're stuck in a pitch black lift and the staff meeting starts in two minutes.
“pitch black"は、ここでは形容詞として使われていて、「真っ黒な、真っ暗な」という意味。名詞では、pich blackness になる。
ex. I can't see anything! It's pitch black in here!
Hank is going to have a fit.
“have a fit"は、「腹を立てる、かっとなる、ショックを受ける」のイディオム。Don't have a fit で、「落ち着けよ、まあまあ押さえて」の意味になる。
ex. His mother had a fit when she saw his tattoo.
Aah, it looks like the emergency lighting just kicked in.
ex. I hope the air conditioning kicks in soon. It's boiling!
D: きゃっ! なんで明かりが全部消えちゃったの?
J: 停電じゃないかな。 リフトが止まったよ。
D: なんなのよ! 真っ暗なリフトの中に閉じ込められて、しかも、あと
2分でスタッフ・ミーティングが始まるわ。 ハンク、すごく怒ると思う
J: あっ、今、非常用の明かりがついたよ。 これは、いい1日になりそうだ
D: 私、リフトの中に閉じ込められたこと今までないわよ 何時間も助けを
J: 僕もだよ。でも誰かに連絡して、僕たちがここにいることを伝えなきゃ。