Lesson 406
Greg has been asked by a customer to provide an estimate for a computer made by his company. He asks his assistant Laura to put the paper work through.
Greg has been asked by a customer to provide an estimate for a computer made by his company. He asks his assistant Laura to put the paper work through.
G: Greg
L: Laura
G: Laura, I need you to put a requisition form through to our tech
staff to get an estimate for the IA-2200.
L: For how many units?
G: They want 60 with standard configuration and the network package.
This client is looking to upgrade all of their computers and put
in an inter office network.
L: I see. Well, I’ll get started on it right away.
G: I need to get this estimate to the customer by next Wednesday, so
when you give this to the guys in the tech department tell them to
put a rush on it.
L: Will do.
Laura, I need you to put a requisition form through to our tech staff
“Put through"にはいくつかの意味があるが、ここでは、「〜を伝える、
Ex. Could you put me through to the accounts department, please?
This client is looking to upgrade all of their computers
“look to" にもさまざまな意味があり、その場の状況によって変わって
Ex. I'm looking to buy a new car.
Well, I'll get started on it right away.
“get started" は、「スタートする、始める」という意味のイディオム
です。“Let's get started." 「さぁ、始めましょう。」、“Shall we
get started?" 「始めますよ」などはよく使うので、覚えておくと便利
Ex. Let's get started straight away.
tell them to put a rush on it.
“put a rush on 〜" は、「〜を急がせる」という意味のイディオム。
Ex. Can you put a rush on this order?
G: ローラ、技術員にIA-2200の見積の依頼書を出してほしいんだけど。
L: 何台分?
G: ネットワークパケージ付の標準構成のものを60台欲しいそうなんだ。
L: 分かりました。早速、とりかかります。
G: 来週の水曜日までに、クライアントに見積もりを連絡しなければならない
L: 了解です。