Lesson 475
Friends Peter and Cally talk about speaking Japanese in Japan.
Friends Peter and Cally talk about speaking Japanese in Japan.
P: Are you still trying to study Japanese?
C: Yeah, but the grammar is way different from English. I just can’t
get my head around it.
P: Yeah, it’s all in a different order.
C: You can speak Japanese alright, ay?
P: But it’s getting worse. Use it or lose it, as they say. Being an
English teacher, I don’t speak Japanese except at 7-11.
C: I think I’m getting used to the speed now. Like at the supermarkets
or department stores. But that’s not really practicing
conversation is it?
P: Why don’t you go out to the pubs in Shinjuku? I’m sure you can
find people to practice on.
C: I don’t know. That’s not really my thing. Maybe I should get a
private teacher.
P: Could be expensive. There’s only one thing for it.
C: What’s that?
P: Get a Japanese boyfriend!
I just can't get my head around it.
"get one's head around 〜"は「〜を理解する、〜がわかる」という意
味。他には、"get an idea of","have a read on","be sensible
Ex: I tried to get my head around math when I was a high school
student, but I couldn't.
Use it or lose it, as they say.
"as they say"は「よく言われるように、諺に言うように」という意味。
"they say"は「〜らしい、〜ということだ」という意味。
"as 〜 as they say"は「うわさのように〜だ」という意味になる。
Ex: As they say, "like attracts like,"right?
That's not really my thing.
Ex: Singing is not my thing.
There's only one thing for it.
"only one thing for it"は、「できることは一つしかない」という意味。
"for it"を使うほかの表現は、"there's nothing for it but to 〜"
「〜するほかない」、"go for it!"「やってみなさい!、頑張れ!」
"make up for it"「(失敗、遅れなど)を取り戻す」、"all for it"
Ex: There's only one thing for it. We'll have to sell the car.
P: まだ、日本語の勉強をしているの?
C: ええ、だけど、文法が全然英語とは違うのよ。本当に、理解出来ないわ。
P: そうだね、全部違う順番だよ。
C: あなたは、日本語が結構話せるでしょ?
P: だけど、だんだんヘタになっているよ。よく言う様に、使うか、失うか
C: 今は、スピードには慣れてきていると思うわ。スーパーとか、デパート
P: 新宿の飲み屋さんに行ってみたら?絶対に、練習する人を見つけられるよ。
C: どうだろうね。あんまりそういうのは、得意じゃないわ。 家庭教師を
P: 高いかもしれないよ。それには、できることは一つしかないな。
C: それは何よ?
P: 日本人の彼氏見つけるのさ!