Lesson 484
Brian is complaining to his friend Pamela about his lack of money.
Brian is complaining to his friend Pamela about his lack of money.
P: Hey Brian, we’re heading down to La Luna after work for a few
drinks. Do you want to join us?
B: I’d love to Pam, but I’m hard-up at the moment. My car broke down
this week and it’s going to cost me an arm and a leg to fix.
P: Oh, is that why you’re driving that little pink Mini this week?
I wondered what the story was with that.
B: Yeah, that’s my girlfriend’s car.
P: Very nice. Although it’s not quite your style, is it?
B: Yeah, yeah. I don’t really have much choice though. It’s either
that or get a taxi, and there’s no way my finances will stretch
that far.
P: The repairs are that expensive, huh?
B: Yeah, they have to get special parts sent in from Italy. I guess
that’s what I get for driving an imported sports car.
we're heading down to La Luna after work for a few drinks.
"head down to 〜"は「〜へ繰り出す、〜へ向かう」という意味。動詞
を使ったイディオムには、"above one's head"「難し過ぎる」、
"bring 〜 to a head"「(事態を)危機に追い込む」、"off one's
head"「気が狂って」、"put heads together"「集まって相談する、
Ex: John is about to head down to his office.
I'd love to Pam, but I'm hard-up at the moment.
困って」という意味。他には、"have empty pockets", "be low on
dough", "have a light purse", "broke"などの言い方もある。
Ex: My wallet was stolen so I'm hard-up right now.
My car broke down this week and it's going to cost me an arm and a leg to fix.
"cost an arm and a leg"は「多額のお金がかかる、莫大な費用がかかる」
Ex: We went to a sushi bar last night and it cost us an arm and a
It's either that or get a taxi, and there's no way my finances will stretch that far.
"either A or B"は「A かそれともB」という意味。"either-or"は
否定文では、「両方とも〜でない」という意味になる。例えば、"I don't
like either cat."「私はどちらの猫もすきではない。」"either"は通常
Ex: Either Keith or Katie is at fault.
P: ねえ、ブライアン、私達、ラ・ルーナに仕事の後、飲みに行くの。一緒に
B: パム、行きたいけど、俺、今懐が寂しいんだよ。今週、車が壊れて、修理
P: あら、だから、今週はあの小さなピンクのミニを運転しているの?一体
B: そうなんだ、あれは、俺の彼女の車なんだ。
P: とっても良いわね。あんまりあなたのスタイルじゃないみたいだけど?
B: そう、そう。実際、選択の余地はあまりないからね。あの車か、タクシー
P: 修理は結構高いんでしょ?
B: ああ、イタリアから特別な部品を取り寄せないといけないんだ。輸入車を