Lesson 544
Tony and Jessica are business partners meeting at Shinjuku station. Tony is new to Tokyo and is trying to adjust to the busy trains.
Tony and Jessica are business partners meeting at Shinjuku station. Tony is new to Tokyo and is trying to adjust to the busy trains.
T: Tony
J: Jessica
T: Sorry I’m late. The train was delayed. I got stuck on the
platform for about 20 minutes.
J: Yeah, it happens from time to time. How are you finding the
commuting anyway?
T: Well, it’s a shock to the system to be honest. Last night I was
coming home from the office, and I got caught in the mad rush in
Shibuya. It was unbelieveable, everyone jammed in like sardines.
J: Yeah, and then just when you think there’s no way anyone else
could fit on, five more people barge through!
T: I’ve gotta hand it to the train companies though. Whoever devised
the schedules is a genius. It’s amazing how different trains
arrive at the same time for people to change.
J: I know. Back home, 20 minutes late for a train is pretty standard!
T: So what do you do to take your mind off things on the train?
I tried to read a book, but I couldn’t turn the page, not enough space!
J: I usually listen to music, it helps block out everything.
But if I’m really tired, I tend to just nod off for a few minutes.
T: Isn’t that a bit risky? You don’t wanna miss your stop.
J: You watch the businessmen do it. They have it down to an art form.
They’ll wake up just before their stop.
T: I’m afraid if I close my eyes, I won’t be waking up so quickly!
★★★Yeah, it happens from time to time.
"from time to time"で「時々、時折、その時々に」です。同義で
"sometimes"、"once in a while"、"occasionally"、
"at moments"などなど他にもまだまだたくさんありますが、
Ex: "Please drop in on Pete from time to time."
★ I've gotta hand it to the train companies though.
"hand it to"で「(成功・偉業を成し遂げた人に対して)褒め言葉を送る」
"I got to hand it to you."などは「お見事でした、恐れ入りました」
Ex: "We have to hand it to Kevin for keeping on researching."
★★ So what do you do to take your mind off things on the train?
"take one's mind off"は「(嫌なこと・心配事などを)忘れる、
「憂さ晴らしに、気晴らしに」などになります。"Get your mind off 〜."
Ex: "Why don't you go abroad to refresh by taking your mind
off your stress?"
★ But if I'm really tired, I tend to just nod off for a few minutes.
"tend to"で「〜しがちである、〜する傾向にある、どちらかといえ
"nod off"は「うとうとする、居眠りする」です。"nod"には
Ex: Many Japanese tend to be passive compared to foreigners.
T: Tony
J: Jessica
T: 遅くなってごめん。電車が遅れたんだ。20分近くホームで身動き取れなく
J: ええ、たまにあるわね。それで通勤の印象はどう?
T: うーん、正直言ってこの体制にはショックだね。夕べ会社の帰りに渋谷で
J: そうそう、で、もうこれ以上は無理と思ったとき、あと5人くらいが
T: 鉄道会社には恐れ入るね。この運行スケジュールを考えた人は天才だよ。
J: そうよね。私の国じゃ電車が20分遅れるのはかなり当たり前なことだもの!
T: それで、電車の中で気を紛らすのにどうしてる?僕は読書しようとしたけど、
J: 私は普段は音楽を聞いてるかな。全てをブロックアウトしてしまうのに
T: それはちょっと危なくない? 乗り過ごしたくないよね。
J: サラリーマンたちがやってるのを観察することね。彼らそれが芸の域
T: 残念だけど僕が目をつぶっちゃったらそんなに早く起きないね!