Lesson 589
It's Sunday afternoon. Dave and his wife Claire are at an aquarium. They come across someone Dave knows.
It's Sunday afternoon. Dave and his wife Claire are at an aquarium. They come across someone Dave knows.
Man: Oh, hello Dave! Nice to see you again! Enjoying yourself here?
Dave: Um…oh, hi! Glad to see you too! This is my wife, Claire.
Claire: Pleased to meet you…
Dave: Are you here by yourself?
Man: No, I’m with my family, too…my son is crazy about dolphins…See you around!
Claire: (After the man disappears out of sight) Who’s that?
Dave: To tell you the truth, I don’t remember. I should know him, but his name and everything has just slipped my mind. It was really rude of me not to address him by name when I introduced you…oh damn…
Claire: Oh, honey, don’t worry. That kind of thing could happen to anyone…I’m sure he wasn’t offended.
Dave: Oh no…hope he isn’t anyone work-related…am I aging? For the life of me, I can’t remember his name!
See you around!
(じゃあまた! )
基本的にはSee you!(「またね」)と変わりませんが、See you around!の方が、より親しい人に向かって使われます。aroundには「その辺りで」という意味があるので、その辺りでまた会いましょう、というニュアンスが感じ取れますね。
I'm sure he wasn't offended.
Ex) Did I offend him by saying that?
She sounded very offensive---what was wrong with her?
I was offended when he said that.
He wouldn't take offense at things like that.
(彼はそんなことで起こりはしないよ。---take offense atは「〜に怒る」という熟語です。)
For the life of me, I can't remember his name!
For the life of meは「どうしても」という意味。「どうしても…できない」というつながりでいつも使います。
Ex) For the life of me, I can't eat celery.
M: やあ、デイブ!また会えて嬉しいよ!どう、楽しんでる?
D: あ…やあ!こんにちは!妻のクレアです。
C: はじめまして…
D: お一人で?
M: いや、私も家族と来てるんですよ…息子がイルカが大好きでね…じゃあまた!
D: 正直言うと、覚えてないんだ。知ってるはずなんだけど、彼の名前もその他モロモロも全て忘れちゃってね。君を紹介した時、相手の名前を呼ばなかったのは本当に失礼だよな…まったく…
C: やだ、心配しないで。そんなことは誰にだって起こりうるのよ…彼だって怒ってなかったと思うわ。
D: やだな…仕事関係の人じゃないといいんだけど…僕も年かな? どうしても彼の名前が思い出せないんだ!