Lesson 424
Cindy is on her way to work. It has just snowed recently and traffic is heavy. She phones the office to let them know that she'll be arriving late. Her co-worker Lance answers the phone.
Cindy is on her way to work. It has just snowed recently and traffic is heavy. She phones the office to let them know that she'll be arriving late. Her co-worker Lance answers the phone.
L: Lance
C: Cindy
L: Good morning, Wallace & Stone Securities.
C: Lance, is that you?
L: Cindy?
C: Yeah. Lance, listen, I’m on my way to work right now, but I’ve
run into heavy traffic. The roads are really icy and it looks
like there’s a pile up just ahead.
L: Is anybody hurt?
C: What? I don’t know, Lance. I’m a couple hundred yards back from
the accident. Anyway, I’m going to be kind of late getting to
work, so I just wanted to call and let somebody know. Can you
tell Mr. Humphries for me?
L: Yeah. No problem.
C: Thanks, Lance. I’m going to try and find a way around this
traffic and I’ll be in as soon as I can… By the way, how did
you get to work so early?
L: I’m only a twenty minute walk away, and there’s no traffic on
the sidewalks.
C: Lucky you.
L: Yeah, it’s pretty good. Anyway, take your time getting here. No
else has shown up yet, so I’m pretty sure most people are going
to be late.
C: That’s good to know. I was worried I was the only one. See you
in a bit, Lance. Bye.
I've run into heavy traffic.
“run into" は、いろいろないみがあるが、ここで「遭遇する、偶然に
ex. I ran into Pete at the bookstore this afternoon.
The roads are really icy and it looks like there's a pile up just up ahead.
“pile up" で「積み重ねる、山積する」という意味が、交通事故に
故で使うとき、綴りは “pile up" 又は “pile" と “up" の間の
スペースをとって“pileup" のどちらでも使われる。“pileup" を
使う表現で、“〜 car pile up" 「車 〜 台の玉突き事故」、
“multiple pileup, multiple car pileup" 「多数の車の玉突き衝突
ex. We have news of a nine car pile up on State Highway 54.
Anyway, I'm going to be kind of late getting to work
“kind of " で「ちょっと、やや、多少、なんだか」という意味。その
他に、“a little",“a bit",“a tad",“sort of" という言い方
ex. It looks kind of cold outside.
I'm going to try and find a way around this traffic
“find a way" で「なんとかする、方法を探す(道・手段)を見つけ
る」という意味。“around" のほかに、 “find a way through"
「解決を見いだす、通り道を見つける」, “find a way into"「〜に
入り込む」, “find a way out" 「解決を見いだす、切り抜ける、
ex. We'll have to find a way around the problem.
L: おはようございます。ウォリス アンド ストーン セキュリティーで
C: ラーンスかしら?
L: シンディー?
C: ええ、ラーンス。あのね、今丁度仕事に行く途中なんだけど、凄い渋滞
L: 怪我人はいるのかい?
C: えっ?分からないわ。ラーンス。私、事故から何百メートルか後ろだか
L: ああ、いいよ。
C: ありがとう。ラーンス。この渋滞を抜けられる道を探して、出来るだけ
L: 歩いて20分の所に住んでるからね。歩道に渋滞はないよ。
C: うらやましいわ。
L: そうだね、結構いいよ。まあ、ゆっくりおいでよ。まだ誰も来てない
C: 安心したわ。私だけかと心配だったの。じゃあね。ラーンス。バーイ。